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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Wednesday 21st December 2023

web Winter Solstice

There is hope on the horizon. Since the clocks went back the days have been shorter and the nights drawing in. But all that is about to change with the Winter Solstice on Wednesday 21st December. Every day from now on will get a minute or two longer. At this, the Hibernal Solstice, the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky and this day has the least daylight and the longest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere the North Pole is tilted furthest away from the Sun

Humans have observed the Winter Solstice as early as the Neolithic period, with monuments such as Newgrange in Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland, constructed to align with sunrise on the Winter Solstice, a pagan celebration of the Sun

The arrival of the Winter Solstice is still celebrated at Dawn the following day at Stonehenge. Excavations reveal that the Winter Solstice might have been even more important than the Summer one to the Prehistoric people. Archaelogists have found remains suggesting that huge feasts were held at this time of year

Ancient Romans held celebrations around this time known as Saturnalia, in honour of Saturn, the god of agriculture. The Roman poet, Catallus, refered to it as ‘the best of days’ enjoying several days of feasting and revelry in the days leading up to the Winter Solstice

Candida Hopkinson

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